The Traminer Krampus parade

About 20 to 30 boys of the Egetmann association Tramin founded in 1996, the Krampus parade.

They ordered carved wood larvae (masks), made after their own designs. S no larva looks like the other. The bodies of the boys are covered with hairy coats of billy goats. In her hands the hold a fork, a rod or chain. Around the hip hang large cowbells and chains. Some Krampus have a basket for the bad, bad children.

Every year on 5 December, this Krampus remove with their fiery chariot through the village Tramin, of course, to the delight of many parents and to the fright of so many children. But have no fear, they are peaceful.

Photos & videos

Krampuslauf 2005

Video Krampuslauf 2011

Video 05. December 2011
Krampuslauf 2005

Video Krampuslauf 2009

Video 05. December 2009
Krampuslauf 2005

Krampuslauf 2005

Photos 05. December 2005
Krampuslauf 2004

Krampuslauf 2005

Photos 05. December 2004
Krampuslauf 2002

Krampuslauf 2002

Photos 05. December 2002

Egetmann parade


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